Why don't we use perfumes?

At Petal , we have chosen not to include synthetic fragrances in our natural cosmetic products for several reasons:

🌸 Avoid Skin Irritation : We are aware that synthetic fragrances can often cause skin irritation, especially in people with sensitive skin. By avoiding them, our natural cosmetic products are gentler on the skin.

🌸 Reduce Allergies: We know that artificial fragrances can trigger allergic reactions in some people. By opting for unscented or naturally scented products, we significantly reduce the risk of allergies.

🌸 Respect the Natural Balance of the Skin : We believe in the importance of preserving the natural balance of the skin. Fragrances can disrupt this balance by altering skin pH or causing unwanted reactions. Our natural cosmetic products, free of artificial fragrances, work in harmony with the skin to keep it healthy.

🌸 Fewer Toxic Chemicals: We are committed to reducing exposure to harmful substances. Synthetic fragrances may contain potentially toxic chemicals, such as phthalates or peroxides. By avoiding them, our natural cosmetic products help to reduce this exposure.

🌸 Suitable for People Sensitive to Odors : We understand that some people are sensitive to strong or artificial smells. By offering unscented or lightly scented products with natural ingredients, our natural cosmetics are suitable for a wider range of people.

🌸 Respect for the Environment: We are concerned about the environmental impact of our choices. The production of synthetic fragrances can contribute to air and water pollution. By opting for natural cosmetic products, we minimize our ecological footprint associated with the production of synthetic perfumes.

In short, by avoiding the use of perfumes in our natural cosmetic products, we promote skin health, reduce the risk of allergies and irritation, while helping to preserve the environment.

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Pourquoi nous n'utilisons pas de colorants ?

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